Funeral Flowers


Funeral Flowers

Water Lilies

Funeral Receptions

At The Ardilaun Hotel we have many years experience attending to customer needs at difficult times. Our team understands that organising an after-funeral reception or memorial can be an added stress at an already very stressful and emotional time. We will help you every step of the way to ensure you have one less thing to worry about.

Set within peaceful gardens with over 300 parking spaces we can accommodate small or large receptions in our various function suites. We will ensure your guest are personally welcomed and made to feel comfortable at all teams.

For further queries or to discuss menu options call our events team on 091 521433.

Special Offers

Best Available Rate Bed & Breakfast

from €144 per room

January Sale - 15% OFF

from €114 per room

Best Available Rate Room Only

from €119 per room

Stay Longer for Less with 15% Off 3 Nights

from €342 per room

Over 55's Escape

from €114 per room